Child molesting is the most personal and emotional issue for which the polygraph is utilized. In most cases, there may be no physical evidence of what occurred and, if the victim is a small child, they are unable to tell you what happened. The parties involved are often times family members, relatives, and friends. The child's mother wants to verify or disprove allegations that have been made. In most cases it is her husband, ex-husband, or boyfriend under suspicion. Often times a babysitter is involved. The polygraph examination administered by a professional and impartial examiner can reveal the truth when these difficult situations present themselves.

In cases where the accused is innocent because of false allegations being made, often times in divorce cases, the polygraph may be the only way the person has to prove his/her innocence. In rape cases where one party is saying their sexual involvement was consensual and the other party says they were raped, the polygraph is utilized to find out who is lying. In cases of physical abuse of children, it is difficult to get them to tell the truth as they have often times been threatened. The polygraph can be administered to the various suspects involved to find the guilty party.


In today's world it is difficult and sometimes impossible for parents to know what their children are involved in. Teenagers involved in dating sites, sexual chat rooms, cybersex and other social media, do not know who they are getting involved with. They may be child molesters, rapists and murderers. They may run away to meet someone and are never seen again. The polygraph, if administered early enough, may determine the extent of their involvement with strangers on the internet and help prevent this from happening.


Drug use is often the cause of drastic personality changes, depression, failing school grades, school conflicts including bullying/cyber bullying and theft issues. Deaths caused by heroin use containing Fentanyl is the highest ever and the numbers are increasing daily. The majority of these deaths are not confined to the inner city but are in affluent suburban neighborhoods. Cyber bullying can be the most devastating thing that can happen to any teenager. Suicide is often times the result of this occurring. Parents can use the polygraph to find the truth regarding their children involvement with drugs, being victims of cyber bullying and other related issues.

Child Abuse

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